How To Use Motorola Cps Software Version

How To Use Motorola Cps Software VersionMotorola Tools DocumentsReturn to Tools DocumentsReturn to Documents HOW TOs. CPS Out of Band Modification HOW TOv. Introduction. This document details how to make modifications to currently available Customer Programming Software CPS for the. Motorola Astro and Astro. Modification methods discussed herein. CPS packages the reader is encouraged to experiment on their own. The Basics. Out of band OOB programming is the process of programming a frequency into a radio outside of its rated bandsplit. For. example, Astro. XTS5. 00. 0 in the upper UHF split which is called the UHF Range 2, or S split. However, each physical RF component has slightly different tolerances, and may. MHz outside of the rated. CPS will in some few cases depending on band, model, etc allow such programming without modification. In. all other cases, it is necessary to modify CPS to allow such frequencies to be programmed without error. Notice Disclaimer. This guide is intended to allow Motorola enthusiasts to operate a radio tranceiver in a modified condition, on. FCC type acceptance is not required for example, on the amateur radio bands. A radio. tranceiver modified thusly should not be used for commercial or public safety service, or in any situation where. The authors of this work hereby disclaim that the information given herein is suitable for any purpose. The authors of this work disclaim all liability in the event that the use of the. Important Please remember to make a backup of any executable file you modify before you begin. Make sure also. to make backups of any codeplug on which you intend to use modified CPS. It would probably be a good idea to. CPS on a test codeplug to guard against inadvertent modification of non bandsplit edge. Section 1 History Notes. This HOW TO is based on the original Win. CPS OOB document located at. Batlabs. Reference Band Edge Tables. For each CPS package Portable and Mobile there are generally two sets of band edges for each bandsplit, one for the. The table below shows the band tables for the Astro. CPS packages, as presented on Batlabs. There is band info for various VHF, UHF, and 8. MHz values except for the VHF value of 1. Table 1 Astro Bandsplit Edge Table BatlabsAstro Mobile. Astro Portable. Lower Band Edge Tables. Upper Band Edge Tables. Section 2 Current CPS Bandsplit Edge Discussion. Throughout this section, we will be using examples derived from Astro. Portable CPS R0. 9. Please Note This document assumes that the reader has some basic knowledge of the tools mentioned, such as hex. Advanced topics, such as decompilation, are beyond the scope of this document. An overview of the Motorola Radio Service Software RSS, its history, its problems and some solutions, part 1. The CP System CP, shp shisutemu or CPS is an arcade system board developed by Capcom that ran game software stored on removable ROM cartridges. GM300 The GM300 is a 16channel device that supports different call types, such as single note, MDC1200 and 5 tone selective. As RSS is only a DOS version that works. Hytera programming software for the DMR series of two way radios including PD5, PD6 and PD7 series. Programming Cable Matrix This is a. How to uninstall ASTRO Spectra CPS Version 5. 03. 000 by Motorola Learn how to remove ASTRO Spectra CPS Version 5. 03. 000 from your computer. In order to understand how bandsplit edge values are modified, it is first necessary to understand the basics of how. CPS executable functions. Astro and Astro. 25 CPS executables are what are known as. Windows Portable Executable files. How To Use Motorola Cps Software VersionSuch files are. comprised of one or more sections of raw information, which can contain executable code, data, Win. Resource objects. The sections are defined by the section table, which immediately follows the PE header at the beginning of the. It is important to understand that these sections exist, because they in part define how we go about searching for. Classically, bandsplit edge values were defined strictly. Return to Tools Documents Return to Documents HOWTOs CPS Out of Band Modification HOWTO v2. 0 03172012 Introduction This document details how to make. Buy TYT MD2017 Dual Band Tier I II DMRAnalog Radio 136174MHz 400480MHz, Up to 3000 Channels, Color Display, with Programming Cable and Software. Ship from USA. 14 March 2006 First Draft Motorola TwoWay Encryption Products and Protocols Disclaimer There is no document from Motorola that details all of the information. How To Use Motorola Cps Software VersionHow To Use Motorola Cps Software VersionHow To Use Motorola Cps Software VersionPE sections that contained only data do not contain executable code. However, as time has progressed, it appears. This seems to be especially prevalent for radios that operate on the 7. MHz band more on this. Thus, one might find a situation in which modifying bandsplit edge values in strictly data sections of the. OOB frequencies to be input, and in such situations additional values might need to be. CPS executable. A useful tool to examine the contents of an executable file is a debugger. One of the better debuggers for Windows. Windows executables is. Olly. Dbg. This kind of debugger will attempt to analyze the raw information in the. A very useful and essential. In the case of Astro and. Astro. 25 CPS, this is the Intel x. To date, all Astro and Astro. CPS executables examined have had four PE sections, as follows Table 2 Example CPS executable PE Section Table. Section Name. Offset. Size. 01. text. 0x. D8. 80. 00. 02. rdata. D8. 90. 00. 0x. 00. A0. 00. 03. data. EC3. 00. 00x. 00. C6. 00. 0x. 00. 1FA0. In this case the. Win. 32 Resource. Objects such as program icons, dialog boxes, etc. The. text section contains the executable code, and is the. If you load up the executable in Olly. Dbg, this should be the only section that shows up as. Section 2a Bandsplit Edge Values in PE data only sections. Before we look at where and how we find the actual bandsplit edge values, lets look at the layout of the tables. Each table is comprised of a number of columns and rows. Astro CPS uses a table with 1. Astro. 25 CPS uses. Below is a meta table showing a general description of each column and what that column is. CPS packages of each platform. Table 3 Overview of primary CPS Bandsplit Edge Tables. Col 1. 23. 45. 67. Band. 80. 0Gen. 90. Gen. Not. Used. VHFWide. UHF R1. Wide. UHF R2. Wide. 80. 0Unk. VHF R1. Narrow. VHF R2. Narrow. VHF R3. Narrow. VHF R4. Narrow. UHF R1. Narrow. UHF R2. Narrow. UHF R3. Narrow. UHF 3. 5. Narrow. UHF R4. Narrow. Not. Used. Not. Used. Gen. UHF R3. 5. SPAstro. CPS8. 00. Gen. 90. Gen. Not. Used. Portable. VHFK Split. Portable. UHF R1. R Split. Portable. UHF R2. S Split. Unk. Mobile. VHF R1. J Split. Mobile. VHF R2. K Split. Mobile. VHF R3. Unused. Mobile. VHF R3. Unused. Mobile. UHF R1. Q Split. Mobile. UHF R2. R Split. Mobile. UHF R3. R Split. Mobile. UHF R3. 5. R Split. Mobile. UHF R4. S Split. Not. Used. Not. Used. NANAAstro. 25. CPS8. Gen. 90. 0Gen. Not. Used. XTSLVHFK Split. XTSLUHF R1. Q Split. XTSLUHF R2. S Split. Unk. ASVHF R1. J Split. ASVHF R2. K Split. ASVHF R3. Unused. ASVHF R3. Unused. ASUHF R1. Q Split. ASUHF R2. R Split. ASUHF R3. R Split. ASUHF R3. 5. R Split. ASUHF R4. S Split. Not. Used. Not. Used. Gen. ASUHF R3. 5. R Split. Some notes on the columns The narrow range columns typically apply to VHF UHF Astro Spectra Astro Spectra radios. The wide range columns typically apply to VHF UHF Astro Sabers and all XTSXTL radios. Now lets look at the rows. Each table is comprised of 5 rows which represent starting bandsplit edges, and 2 rows. Below are tables showing bandsplit edge values rounded to MHz with. MHz, for the CPS packages for each. Table 4 Astro Bandsplit Edge Table Astro Mobile. Start. Edge. 80. 68. Col 0. 01 0. 02 0. Astro Portable. Start. Edge. 80. 68. 96. Table 5 Astro. 25 Bandsplit Edge Table Astro. Mobile. Start. Edge. Col 0. 01 0. 02 0. Astro. 25 Portable. Start. Edge. 80. 68. Now that weve seen how the tables are layed out, lets look at how to find them in the file. Looking at Tables 4 5 from above, note that some rows share the same starting values. If we convert the. Hz into a little endian longint which is how the values are stored in the. Section 3 of this document, we get the following Table 6 Bandsplit Edge Table Row Finder Decimal Values Frequencies in Hz. Hex Values Frequencies in Little Endian Long. Int. Start Rows 1 2. C6. 0A3. 0 D4. 10. Start Rows 3 5. 85. BB9. 32 9. 42. 8BB3. End Rows. 86. 99. ACF4. DA3. 3 6. C5. You should be able to use the resulting hexadecimal strings to search the executable file with your favorite hex. Section 3 to find the offsets within the file. For reference, below is a.

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